One of the
reasons that we have chosen to homeschool is to instill a love of learning in
our children. Another is that we enjoy the freedom that we have to do school
where ever we are. Today was in Baddeck Nova Scotia at the Alexander Graham
Bell museum. Out of all of the people we have learned about so far, I think
that he has been the most interesting and inspiring. What an amazing lives he,
his family and colleagues lived. When I thought about him before, I instantly
thought about the telephone, but that was where my knowledge of him stopped. I
never would have guessed that he played such a big role in developing speech in
people who were hearing impaired. He was also well acquainted with Helen
Keller. I also didn’t know that his work on the HD-4 or the Silver Dart. Nor
did I know that he was an accomplished pianist. He dabbled in anything and
everything that he found interesting. He spent his life loving what he did,
trying to unravel life’s mysteries and doing his best to engage those around
him, young and old in all of the curiosities that life presents us with. He
committed his days to improving lives around him and expected nothing in return.
If you have a few moments, consider taking that time to do your own research on
Alexander Graham Bell and other great inventors that he worked with during his
"Self-education is a lifelong affair. There cannot be mental atrophy in any person who continues to observe, to remember what he observes, and to seek answers for his unceasing hows and whys about things."
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